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What is your keystone creative habit?

Gardens need 💧water💧 and ☀️sunshine☀️ to grow, and your creative practice needs a nourishing keystone creative habit.

What are some of your creative dreams? Write whatever comes to mind.

What is a small, daily habit you could create to get you closer to this vision? How will you turn this activity into a ritual? What will trigger the habit to happen every day?

Now write down some details about the last time you were in a flow state. What were you wearing? How much did you sleep the night before? What time of day was it? Were you at home or somewhere else? How can you re-create elements of that environment before working on your keystone creative habit?

How will you gather inspiration**?**

Your Creative Practice Garden also needs 🐝pollinators🐝—activities that inspire you and excite your inner artist.

Make your own list of pollinating activities. What did you like to do as a kid? What movies inspire you? What is something you love to do but haven't done in years?

How will you keep the creative energy flowing**?**

Every healthy garden has its 🪱decomposers🪱, the tiny, hard-working critters breaking down our experiences into nutrient-rich soil. The composters of your creative practice are low-energy activities that keep creative energy flowing.

Write down a list of your own creative composting activities. What can you declutter? Mend? Bake? Get off your to-do list because it's been there for far too long?